Monday, January 11, 2016

Resolution Relapse

Did you make any resolutions for 2016? If so, are you still on track?

Studies show that nearly 66% of those who actually make New Year’s resolutions abandon their goals by February 1st. In fact, more than 40% give up well before the first month is over. That means that by now, at least 40% of us who made resolutions have strayed away from our goals we set for ourselves just a few weeks ago.

Chances are, you are suffering a Resolution Relapse. So what do you do if you stray from your track?


There’s nothing magical about January 1. Yes, it seems like a reasonable day to start something new.


One of the best ways to get on track and to stay on track is to find someone who can partner with you for accountability. There is substantial research on how having someone else to hold us accountable increases substantially our chances of achieving the goals that we set for ourselves.

Having an accountability partner can be useful both for professional and personal goal-setting. Just as having a workout partner makes it more likely that you will keep your appointments at the gym, so too will sharing with a partner your plans, on anything from launching a new business, to how you will focus to achieve more balance in your life, make it more likely that you will stick to your plan.
Image result for partner for accountability
 Here are some of the qualities you should consider when choosing an accountability partner:

-Choose someone whose opinion matters to you
-You may not want to choose a friend. You want someone who can be objective and honest (though compassionate, of course), who will not worry about hurting your feelings
-choose someone with whom you can have regular, scheduled check-ins; these are essential for accountability
-Be clear on what you need, and be honest with your accountability partner – your partner is of no use to you if are not clear in your expectations

Always, have fun - if it is something that you truly desire, it should not be a painful experience.

And lastly, visualize what it will feel to achieve your goal. Imagine yourself, one year from today.

What does your life look like?

How much closer are you to your goal?

Have you achieved it?


"Setting a goal is not the main thing. It is deciding how you will go about achieving it and staying with that plan." ~Tom Landry

Halona Patrick Shaw, LCSW, JD
Board Certified Life Coach
Eyes Turned Skyward, Inc.
(917) 846-7784

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